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YOU ARE NOW LISTENING TO *Car horn honking, birds tweeting* FINCH.FM RADIO *crowd cheering* WE PLAY NOTHIG BUT HARD INDUSTRIAL NOISE *drill sound fx* *glass shattering* THIS ISNT YOUR GRANDMAS STATION *starts playing: OzCoWilliams cinema advertising ad.mp4*


I love a good piece of music, especially if it helps me get in the zone for daydreaming and working. Long car trips, swinging at the park, any time i get the chance to whip out my headphones you bet im playing some tunes (or if not music, a good fictional podcast/audio drama).

Disparition: An overview

If you're familiar with the podcast Welcome to Nightvale, then Disparition would be a familiar name! They're the band behind the soundtrack used by WTNV, including the famous The Ballad of Fiedler and Mundt, Which has been WTNV's themesong since episode one. Describing Disparitions music is a little difficult. I always felt it sounded like weird noises in a warehouse that somehow make you feel simultaniously safe and unsettled, like you're getting a glimpse into another world. This makes them work so well with WTNV's setting, and I would love to hear their music in other productions too. If you are a fan of music that sounds like a dilapidated building on the outskirts of town, or like you're wandering throuhg a strange forest, Disparition is for you.

While I am more familiar with Disparitions earlier work (having spent a lot of time listening to their playlists in school), Their newer work is just as fantastic as ever, and if you havent listend in a while I recommend checking out their newer works. I loved Beneath the Blue Oak from their newest album, TroikaFest 2021

Some of my favourite works from Disparition are: The Satellite State album, Palm In Mirror album, The People Who Carry Their Forest Around With Them (Granicha, 2014), Poem for a crack in the wall (Granicha, 2014), and Analog (Granicha, 2014).
